Legal Notice

  • Legal information and acceptance

This Legal Notice governs the use of the website services: (hereafter, the “Website”) that SIGNEBLOCK, S.L., (hereafter, “SIGNEBLOCK“) of Spanish nationality, with the CIF (Tax ID) B88118187 and domiciled in Avenida de la Industria, 18, 28760-Tres Cantos (Madrid), makes available to Internet users. The means of contacting SIGNEBLOCK are:

  • Telephone (34) 91 806 00 99,
  • Fax: (34) 91 806 01 02 and
  • Email address:

The use of the Website attributes the user with the similarly defined status (hereafter, the “User”) and implies their acceptance of all the conditions of use included in this Legal Notice.

Acceptance of this Legal Notice implies that the User understands the terms and agrees to comply with them.  SIGNEBLOCK does not, under any circumstances, guarantee the future availability or maintenance of the services that may be accessible through or via the Website. Additionally, SIGNEBLOCK may, at any time, choose to interrupt, suspend or permanently cancel the Website without this giving rise to any type of compensation or recompense for Users.

  • Intellectual and industrial property

All the elements (hereafter, “Elements”) that make up the Website (including, but not limited to, the images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, software necessary for its functioning, access and use, etc.) belong to the SIGNEBLOCKpartners or collaborators and are protected by the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights.

Use of the contents must respect its specific licensing. As such, its use, reproduction, distribution, public dissemination, transformation or any other similar or analogous activity is strictly prohibited unless prior and express authorisation is obtained from SIGNEBLOCK.

SIGNEBLOCK authorises full or partial reproduction of the texts and contents provided through the portal whenever each of the following conditions are met:

  • The integrity of the contents, documents or graphics is maintained.
  • SIGNEBLOCK is expressly cited as their source and origin.
  • The intention and purpose of such use is compatible with the purposes of the Website and/or SIGNEBLOCK’s
  • Commercial use is not intended, and its distribution, public dissemination, transformation or decompilation is expressly prohibited.

Any other use must be previously and expressly communicated to and authorised by SIGNEBLOCK.

With regard to references to third party products and services, SIGNEBLOCK acknowledges the following intellectual and industrial property rights in favour of their owners, the mere mention or appearance on the Website does not imply the existence of rights or any liability whatsoever for them, nor an endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of them.

  • Conditions of use of the Website

3.1 General

Users undertake to make proper use of the Website in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice. Users that violate the Law or this Legal Notice will be liable to SIGNEBLOCK or to third parties for any damage and harm that may be caused as a result of breaching this obligation. Additionally, in the event of a full or partial breach of these Conditions of Use by the user, SIGNEBLOCK reserves the right to deny access to the Website without the need to notify the User in advance.

Use of the Website for the purpose of damaging property or interests belonging to SIGNEBLOCK, or in any way overloading, damaging or disabling the networks, servers and other IT equipment (hardware) or IT products and applications (software) belonging to SIGNEBLOCK or third parties is expressly prohibited.

3.2 Elements of the Website

Users of the Website undertake to use the Elements referred to in section 2 in accordance with the Law and this Legal Notice, in addition to other regulations, conditions and instructions that may apply to specific services that may be provided through it.

3.3 Information provided by the User

All information that the User provides through the Website’s forms for the above or any other purposes must be accurate and truthful. To this effect, the User guarantees the authenticity of all the data they provide and will keep the information they provide updated. In all cases, the User will be solely liable for any false or inaccurate statements they make and for the damages they cause SIGNEBLOCK or third parties as a result of the information they provide.

3.4 Inserting links on the Website

Internet Users or Information Society Services providers who wish to insert links from their own websites to this Website must comply with the conditions set out below:

  • The link will only be linked to the home page of the Website but may not be reproduced in any way (online links, copy of the texts, graphics, etc.). Web 2.0 type interaction systems offered from the Website itself to link to it from social networks are excluded from the above.
  • In accordance with the applicable legislation in force at any time, establishing frames of any type that surround the Website or allow the Elements to be viewed via internet addresses other than the Website address is strictly prohibited and, in any event, when they are viewed together with contents outside the Website in such a way that: (i) it produces or may produce error, confusion or deceive users about the true origin of the service or the Elements; (ii) it involves an act of unfair comparison or imitation; (iii) it serves to take advantage of the reputation of the brand and prestige of SIGNEBLOCK; or (iv) is prohibited by the current legislation in any other way.
  • The web page inserting the link shall not contain any type of false, inaccurate or incorrect statement about SIGNEBLOCK, its partners, employees, members or the quality of services that it offers users.
  • Under no circumstances shall the page bearing the link state that SIGNEBLOCK has given its consent to insert the link or that it, in any way, sponsors, collaborates, verifies or supervises the services of the sender.
  • The use of any figurative or combined brand or any other distinctive sign belonging to SIGNEBLOCK is prohibited, except in cases permitted by law or expressly authorised by SIGNEBLOCK, provided that, in these cases, a direct link is permitted with the Website in the manner established in this clause.
  • The page establishing the link must faithfully comply with the law and may not under any circumstances have or link their own or third party contents which: (i) are illegal, harmful or contrary to morals and good practice (pornographic, violent, racist, etc.); (ii) lead or could lead to the User having a misconception that SIGNEBLOCK endorses, adheres to or in any way supports, the sender’s legal or illegal ideas, statements or expressions; (iii) are inappropriate or not relevant to the activity of SIGNEBLOCK in terms of place, contents and subject of the sender’s website.

3.5. Changes to Conditions of Use

The conditions and terms set out in this Notice may vary, so the User is invited to check these terms when visiting the Website again or, if applicable, when they request a new service or product.

  • Exclusion of liability

4.1. Quality of the service

Access to the Website does not imply any obligation by SIGNEBLOCK to guarantee the complete absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer elements from third parties (“malicious software” or “malware”) while browsing.  In all cases, the availability of suitable tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programmes is the User’s responsibility.

SIGNEBLOCK does not accept any liability for damage caused to IT equipment belonging to Users or third parties as a result of actions of third parties during the provision of the Website’s service.

4.2. Availability of the service

Access to the Website requires services and supplies from third parties, including transport through telecommunications networks whose reliability, quality, security, continuity and function which do not fall under the responsibility of SIGNEBLOCK. As a result, the services provided through the Website may be suspended, cancelled or inaccessible, either prior to or simultaneously to the provision of the Website’s service without a requirement for prior notification from SIGNEBLOCK.

Accordingly, SIGNEBLOCK will not be liable for any type of damage or harm caused to the User resulting from failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Website service during, or prior to, its provision.

4.3. Content and services linked through the Website

The Website may include links that enable the User to access other Internet web pages (hereafter, “Linked Websites”). In these cases, SIGNEBLOCK acts as a provider of intermediary services in accordance with article 17 of Law 34/2002 of 11th July on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereafter, “LSSI”) and will only be liable for the contents and services supplied on the Linked Websites to the extent to which it has actual knowledge of the illegality and has not deactivated the link through due diligence. If the User considers that there is a Linked Website containing illegal or inappropriate content, they may inform SIGNEBLOCK, without this communication involving, under any circumstances, to the obligation of removing the corresponding link.

The existence of Linked Websites must not, under any circumstances, imply the existence of agreements with the website managers or owners or identification of SIGNEBLOCK with the statements, contents or services provided. SIGNEBLOCK does not assume liability for the functioning of Linked Websites or for potential damages that may result from their access or use.

SIGNEBLOCK does not have knowledge of the content and services of the Linked Websites and therefore does not accept any liability for the damages caused by the illegality, quality, outdatedness, unavailability, error or inadequacy of the content and/or services of the Linked Websites or for any other damage that cannot be directly attributed to SIGNEBLOCK for its own services.

4.4. Third party content hosted by SIGNEBLOCK

The Website includes, or may include, the option for Users to include comments about the services provided by SIGNEBLOCK or third parties or to participate in any other way to give their opinions or specific information. In these cases, SIGNEBLOCK acts as a provider of intermediary hosting services in accordance with article 16 of the LSSI and will only be liable for content uploaded by other Users in so far as it has effective knowledge of the illegality and has not removed the illegal content with due diligence.  If the User considers that there are illegal or inappropriate comments or content uploaded by other Users, they may inform SIGNEBLOCK, without this communication involving the obligation to remove the corresponding comment or content under any circumstances.

The existence of comments or links from third parties must not, under any circumstances, imply the existence of agreements with their authors, or the recommendation, promotion or identification of SIGNEBLOCK with the statements or information provided.

4.5. Confidentiality of information transmitted through the Website

SIGNEBLOCK has adopted the legally required security measures in order to guarantee the confidentiality and secrecy of personal data that Users provide on the Website. Notwithstanding the above, the transfer of this data to SIGNEBLOCK occurs through telecommunications networks belonging to third parties which are not controlled by SIGNEBLOCK. Additionally, the existence of malware on their computer may lead to this information being forwarded or recovered without their knowledge.

SIGNEBLOCK does not accept liability for the lack of confidentiality of information transmitted by computers and telecommunications networks belonging to third parties or for the software or hardware vulnerabilities of computers belonging to Users.

  • Data protection

Users can find out how their data is processed on the Website by viewing our Privacy Policy at the following address: (

  • Customer services

If you have any questions or suggestions, or would like to inform us about illegal or inappropriate content or activities by third parties, you can contact SIGNEBLOCK through the email address:

  • Law and applicable jurisdiction.

Any disputes that arise between SIGNEBLOCK and the User regarding the interpretation, compliance and validity of this Legal Notice will be governed by its clauses and, where not provided for, in accordance with Spanish legislation, the parties expressly submitting to the Courts at the location of SIGNEBLOCK’s registered address. .