Qualified Digital Identity Q_ID

Qualified Digital Identity

Combining blockchain identity and the qualified electronic signature

We provide legal recognition of the identity of natural and legal persons using blockchain-based solutions.

The combination of the qualified electronic signature and blockchain technology allows you to carry out any type of operation linked to a digital identity so that it has full legal recognition, is completely immutable and is transparent to third parties.

Get your digital certificate and identity in the blockchain and digitally sign any type of file, confident of its integrity and security

And you, what Q-ID do you need?

Q-ID for a natural person

They identify the subscriber as a natural person.

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Q-ID of belonging to a company

They identify the holder as a natural person associated with a corporation.

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Corporate Q-ID with electronic seal

They identify the subscriber as a legal entity.

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Q-ID legal representative

They identify the subscriber as a corporation (company, private or public entity) and the signatory as its representative.

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*Q-ID certificates can be valid for one or two years. Software- and cloud-based.

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